Please support all members of our Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. And don’t forget our Reservist and Army and Air National Guardsmen neighbors. Oklahoma has a rich history of Guard service since World War II. Both Air and Army Guard units have been defending us, having been mobilized and deployed several times since September 11, 2001. Several of our Oklahoma Soldiers have paid the ultimate price.
Check out the various tabs in the ‘Support Our Military’ section for your information and entertainment. There’s definitely some great stuff there for you and your kids!
We also need to make sure our veterans and their families continue to receive the honor and respect they so richly deserve. We hope the information herein can help us all better support our military men and women.
Let us never forget our duty and obligation
“to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan–to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”
— Abraham Lincoln
Patriot Guard Riders of Oklahoma
( ). Visit the PGROK web-site and learn about a great group that honors America’s and, in particular, Oklahoma’s fallen servicemembers.
Michael Behenna of Edmond PAROLED March 14, 2014 — Finally!
U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant, Oklahoman, and Ranger Michael Behenna and his Edmond, OK family have been suffering a grave injustice. Michael served time in Fort Leavenworth after being Court Martialed for defending himself from a terrorist attacker. But after several years in the military prison, Michael was granted a Parole to begin March 14, 2014.
During the past several years of this ordeal, Mike’s parents, Vicki and Scott Behenna, set up an extensive web-site with up to date comments and information at
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