April 14, 2010 “People’s Day” Tea Party Rally
For those of you who were there at the rally and for those who couldn’t make it, below are excerpts from three of the speeches for your remembrance and enlightenment and links to download entire speech transcripts.
We begin with Alan Conner who spoke about Benjamin Franklin’s Exhortation to Prayer with the Opening Prayer. Alan Conner is the pastor of Northwest Bible Church in Oklahoma City (www.nwbcokc.org). Read read Pastor Conner’s address in its entirety at this link — AlanConner1.
The next address was given by Dan Fisher, pastor of the Trinity Baptist Church in Yukon (http://www.trinityyukon.com).
“Just as in 1775, our liberties are being threatened today, not by a tyrant in England, but by a tyrants of a runaway government in Washington D.C. & OKC. We are again engaged in a war for our liberty. Thankfully, right now it’s not a war of bullets & bombs but a war of words and wills, but it is a war just the same – a culture war for the soul of America. I’m here to raise a regiment called “The Heartland Minutemen.” This is not a militia, instead of taking up muskets, we’ll arm ourselves with the truth and, like the minutemen of old, create a network that can peacefully stand against tyranny. This group will have the expressed purpose of educating our citizens about the “true” history of our nation and about what our government is really doing.” You can read Pastor Dan Fisher’s address in its entirety using this link — DanFisher-Speech.
Another address given on April 14th was by Paul Blair, Pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond (http://fairviewbaptistedmond.org).
“We are again being subjected to ‘creeping tyranny’ – you lose your freedom little by little with compromise until one day you have no freedom at all. The Original TEA Party in 1773 was not about a tax increase it was about an over-reaching tyrannical government stripping them of their liberty.
• The Modern Day TEA party is not a political party like the Republicans or Democrats.
• The Modern Day TEA party is not opposed to all taxes – some taxes are necessary
The Modern Day TEA Party is a grass roots movement of the people that have had it with the tyranny being imposed upon them by an over-reaching Federal government.
The modern day TEA party stands for LIBERTY – and we stand together this day demanding that our government return to its narrow limitations as outlined in our United States Constitution.” Please read Pastor Paul Blair’s address in its entirety using this link — PaulBlairSpeech.